Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An end to my negligence.

     I really haven't been negligent with this blog.  I've just been busy.  Moroccan weddings, new suits, Eid al-Fitr, Ahmed's flu, internet outages, voting, trips to the medina, and keeping up with the news consumes a lot of time.  Oh yeah, and then there's also class.
     So here's the deal:  Ramadan ended last week and we got a pretty sizeable break from class out of that (Wednesday through Friday off).  That afforded plenty of time to head to the medina and hang out before I went to his relative's wedding over the weekend.  I bought a new suit--which his brother-in-law helped me pick out--and I had a blast at the wedding.  I spent most of the time there talking to Ahmed's friends, but there was tons of traditional music and celebration to be had.  More details probably in another post.  Anyway, on Sunday there was a gigantic family dinner at Ahmed's sister's house, a house not designed for such a large crowd.  
     Now things have finally returned to normalcy.  Restaurants and cafes are open during normal hours, and quite a few places stay open into the night.  You can find as much food as you want here, of all different kinds, so my insistence on four meals a day isn't too hard to accommodate.  Every morning I stop by a patisserie near ALIF, where they sell fresh-baked pain au chocolat for 1.5 dirham each, and slices of chocolate cake for 2 dirham each.  
     At the current moment, I'm actually waiting on my friend Ben so we can get schwarma at a place called Cocorico.  It's kind of a hike, but it's pretty close to where Ahmed lives, so I've gotten to know it pretty well.  Excellent food, and it's cheap, but their ketchup sucks.  If you've ever used off-brand dish soap, and compared that with Dawn, this is about the ketchup equivalent of that.  
     Oh, and this weekend I'm taking a trip to the Sahara, where we will trek by camel through the desert, in sha'allah.  No matter what we get out of this, I know we'll never forget (I'm actually listening to Smoke on the Water right now).
     Ok, schwarma is up.  Peace out. 

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